Parent/Student Handbook

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2005-2006 Parent/Student Handbook


The Tucson Academy of Leadership & Arts (TALA) has established and Arrival and Dismissal Policy and a School Attendance Policy.  Any contract will require the signature of both the student and the legal guardian.  The following is an overview of rules pertaining to arrival and dismissal.

TALA does not provide transportation.  Carpooling is encouraged; the school office will provide assistance in arranging carpools.  Students should be dropped off and picked up inside the gates.  All students must wait inside the gates for pickup at the end of the day.

Students will recite the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:55 AM and classes begin sharply at 8:00 AM.  Students arriving before 7:55 AM will remain in the courtyard area until classes begin.  Supervision is provided in the courtyard or the lunch room until 7:55 AM.  TALA reserves the right to exclude students from the lunch room in case of discipline problems.  For the safety of your children, please respect the school's opening hours.  Once the students are on school premises, they may not leave unless their parent or legal guardian signs them out.  Leaving the school premises without permission will be considered a violation of the school discipline policy.

School hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM.  Wednesday hours are 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  Parents or legal guardians who are picking up students must do so at the front door within 15 minutes after dismissal time.  To ensure the safety of your children, they must be picked up within 15 minutes.  If an emergency arises, causing a delay, please notify the office.  Students who are not enrolled in the Extended Day Program must be either picked up or arrangements must be made for parental permission to leave campus at dismissal time.

The Academy's academic program is quite rigourous and absences or late arrivals may threaten your child's academic performance.  It is important that students come to school and arrive on time.

For the safety of our students, all school doors are locked from the outside during school hours.  Parents and visitors are welcome.  Please ring the bell to enter.

Late arrival at school:  When students are tardy, the student must report to the principal before proceeding to class.  Students who arrive later than 8:10 AM will not be admitted to the regular classroom.  If the above procedures are not followed, any late arrival will be considered "unexcused."  Unexcused late arrivals constitute a violation of the school disciplinary policy, and the student will be assigned comparable community service duties at the Academy.  Parents will be advised immediately of the violation.

Leaving school before the end of regular classes:  If a student needs to be released during the school day, a parent or legal guardian must come to the Academy and sign that student out.  Parents need to provide the school with advance notice regarding an early departure for court, medical or dental appointments.

If the student returns from an appointment before the end of the school day, a parent or legal guardian must sign the child in at the school office.  Doctor and dentist excuse forms must be submitted to the school office.

Excused absences:  Please call the office at 882-9144 before 8:00 Am each day that your child will not be able to attend school or will be late.  Your call is important in helping us to protect the safety of your child and to ensure accurate attendance records.  When your child returns to school, the parent or legal guardian must provide a written explanation of the absence or a writeen excuse from the physician or dentist.  Unexcused absences will be considered a violation of the school discipline policy.  Repeated unexcused absences will result in the student being dropped from the program and a Truancy Officer called.

Lunch:  The Academy does not offer a hot lunch program.  Students should bring a nutritious lunch every day.  Small insulated lunch bags or containers are recommended.  Microwave ovens and refrigerators are not available for student use.



Global Education Foundation (District for Tucson Academy of Leadership & Arts) sets a high standard of excellence in Education.  This high standard includes the expectation that all students will attend classes promptly and on a regular basis to achieve the full educational benefit.  Absences should only occur when unavoidable.  While it is recognized that participation in certain events contribute to an individual's total development and that students with serious or contagious illnesses should not be in attendance, it is anticipated that absences will be minimal.

General Standards-

1.  State law reuqires that students attend school from age eight throught the completion of Grade 10 or until the age sixteen.

2.  Schools require documented absence reports from parents as soon as possible and not late than within 48 hours from return to school.

3.  Student absences shall be excused for the following reasons:

A.  Personal illness

B.  Doctor or dental appointment efforts should be made to schedule appointments other than during school hours.

C.  Serious illness of family member.

D.  Death of family member.

E.  Required court appearance of student.

F.  Specific absences when the District is notified the student will be returning and the absence is authorized in advance by the parent or guardian.  These include family vacations, participation in Tucson Boys and Girls Chorus, visits to colleges, and participation in non-District sponsored organized competitions.  Parents shall by submit a petition requesting approval of such absences in advance.  Approval will be granted if the absence does not substantially interfere ith the student's scheduled school activities required for promotion or graduation.

G.  Absences for religious holidays or for religious purposes including participation in religious exercises.

In order to be excused, an absence for religious purposes must meet the following conditions:

a.  The person who has custody of the student must give written consent.

b.  Any religious instruction or religious exercise must occur at a suitable place away from school property.  The sponsor of the religious activity must advise the District through the school office of the scheduled holiday and of the location of the activity.  The sponsor must give assurance that adequate supervision and security will be afforded to students who are excused and the governing board will not be responsible for the care and custody of students during the time they are excused.

c.  The absence may no substantially interfere with the student's scheduled school activities required for promotion or graduation as established in board policy.

4.  Students shall be permitted to make up all work missed as a result of an excused absence.  An effort should be made not to schedule tests, introduce new materials, or hold school elections on days that students are absent fro religious holidays.  Teachers must allow reasonable access to make up work with credit allowed following excused absences.  In awarding credit for work made up for absences as specified in Subsection F, such as vacations, the teacher may consider the quality of the classroom experience and importance of classroom participation in determining the amount of credit to be given.

5.  All other absences are unexcused.  Teachers are obligated to create the opportunity for students who have unexcused absences to have access to class assignments, make up work, and information concerning class assignments.  Except for suspensions or other school-initiated absences, teachers are not obligated to allow studetns credit for work done follwoing an unexcused absence.  In awarding credit to suspended students for work made up, the teacher may consider the quality of the classroom experience and importance of classroom participation in determining the amount of credit to be given.

6.  One or more absences, whether excused or unexcused, in a class may be considered serious enough to warrant administrative intervention.  Intervention and notification procedures in accordance with administrative regulations should be followed.

7.  Excessive unexcused absenteeism or tardies shall not be the basis for out-of-school suspension for students.

8.  The administration shall provide reasonable assistance to correct an attendance problem and shall, within due process guidelines, utilize only lesser forms of discipline short of out-of-school suspension for all students.

9.  If a student flagrantly disregards such assistance or fails to comply with in-class/in-school disciplinary measures, the student may be charged with infractions as may be appropriate.

10.  Due process must precede administrative disciplinary action pertaining to attendance.  The steps are as follows:

a.  Student and parent given notice of absence

b.  Student and parent given opportunity to respond

c.  Student and parent informed of consequences

11.  Students may be referred to alternative school or on-site programs if it is determined that absenteeism has negatively and irreparably affected grades, thereby hindering normal progress toward graduation.

Students may also be detained during non-school hours or be assigned reasonable consequences for unexcused absences or when attendance procedures are not followed.  Tachers and administrators are expected to seek and employ methods developing responsible student conduct, which are alternatives to exclusionary discipline.  Lesser forms of discipline, short of out-of-school suspension, which are applicable to students with excessive unexcused absences include:

1.  Detention

2.  Disciplinary probation including denying participation in extracurricular activities

3.  Alternative to suspension

4.  Work assignments

5.  Denial of bus privileges

6.  Temporary removal from class

7.  Failing a grade or class (for excessive absenteeism only)




Students are organized into groups based on their grade level and academic skills, with an emphasis on reading, writing, and math.  Parental input in group assignments is welcomed, but the Academy reserves the right to make the final determination as to group placement.  Each day's schedule may be different, allowing for flexibility in instruction.

Yearly comprehensive examinations:  At the beginning, mid-term, and the end of the school year, a comprehensive examination is given to students in every grade.  Students are prepared for this esam by classroom review with their teachers, as well as through independent study.  The intent of this exam is to ensure that each students has achieved and is maintaining mastery of curricular content.  In addition to passing the comprehensive examinations, students must not fail (receive a grade of F) in any courses that are not covered by the comprehensive exam.  Admission to some special projects in the visual and performing arts will be restricted on the basis of progress card grades.

Other testing:  All students will be required to take the state-mandated Stanford 9 and AIMS examinations, usually conducted during the month of April.

Academic recognition:  At TALA we think that superior academic performance deserces significant recognition.  Each quarter, students who obtain a grade point average (GPA) higher than 3.5 will be listed on teh Academy Honor Roll.  Those students who obatin all A's will be individually recognized.  In addition to quarterly recognition, students who excel for the entire semester will receive special awards during the end of the semester assembly.


Ongoing home-school communication is critical to student success.  We recognize that our rigorous curriculum requires additional commitment from the student's family.  In order to facilitate communication, TALA has developed several opportunities available to parents.

-Every day students are required to carry their Student Planner in their notebook or folder.  Parents are requested to utilize the included homework schedule to communicate any messages for teachers.  It is advisable for parents to check their child's schedule daily in order to receive up-to-date information.  No backpacks or purses are permitted at school-only notebooks and pocket folders.

-Progress reports containing students' cumulative grades are sent home with students in October and March.  Final fall smemester grades are issued in December and final spring semester grades in May.  (The dates when progress reports are issued are listed in the school calendar.)  A parent or legal guardian's signature is required on the student's report card in order to verify that the parents received and have read the report card.

-Parents may call to request a telephone conference with the teacher.

-Parents may request to set up an appointment with the Director/Principal regarding disciplinary issues at the Academy.

-Student led parent-teacher conferences are held in the middle of each quarter.  Attendance and participation of all parties at these student-led conferences are mandatory.

School Visitation-  Parent and visitors are always welcome at the Academy.  Parents need to call to set-up a time to visit, in order to coordinate the visit with the individual class schedules. 

Volunteers-TALA expends all of its resources on its academic program.  In order to have a well-rounded program, we depend on parent volunteers to help us with extra-curricular activities.  Volunteers will need to sign-up on the Volunteer List maintained in the school office.  Teachers will determine volunteer needs for their classrooms and file requests with the Director/Principal.


Student records:  Please keep the Academy informed of any changes in health needs, guardianship, address, and home, work, or cell phone numbers.  It is extremely important for the safety of your child that we have updated contact information, health, and legal guardianship information on the Emergency Card.  TALA reserves the right to contact the authorities at social services agencies if all efforts to reach parents fail.

An individual cumulative record for each student is required by law.  Parents or legal guardians, in the presence of the Academy Director or deginee, may view this record.  The Director/Prinicpal will provide the parent or legal guardian with any requested copy at the cost of 15 cents per page.  Only appropriate TALA staff and the student's legal guardians may see the record, unless the court subpoenas it.  When the students is withdrawn from the Academy, the cumulative record is sent to the new school upon written request.

Child custody-The Academy assumes that both mother and father have equal rights regarding the lives of their children.  If you have a court order limiting the custody or communication/visitation rights of one parent, please bring a copy to the school office.  Unless the court order is in the student's file, we are required by law to provide equal rights to both parents.  For special concerns, please complete a TALA "Request for Caution" form, available in the office.

Birth Certificates and Medical Records-Copies of birth certificates and up-to-date immunization records are required of all students and must be presented at the time of enrollment.  Each student must enroll under his or her full legal name.

Field trips-Teachers may arrange for field trips throughout the school year.  A parent or legal guardian must sign the General Permission Form for Field Trips conducted in the downtown area.  It can be found in the enrollment packet.  Field trips utilize parent/volunteer assistance.  Prior to the date of each trip, parents or legal guardians will receive specific information with regard to date, time, and destination.

Non-accidental injury and/or physical neglect of minors-  Academy personnel are mandated by law to report immediately anything that appears to be a non-accidental injury to, or physical neglect of a minor.  The same law requires staff members to report any suspected or observed evidence of sexual molestation, death or abuse to the proper municipal agency(ies).  Failure to report is a Class 2 misdemeanor.


Philosophy-Homework reinforces classroom learning and establishes personal habits conducive to future academic success.  The purpose of homework is two-fold:  to add to students' knowledge and to assist students in the development of self-discipline, self-direction, and study skills.  Homework is a required component of the TALA curriculum.  Failure to complete homework in a timely manner will result in the student serving additional time to complete the missing assignments.  It may also result in a lowered or failing grade.

Teacher responsibilities-Teachers are responsible for:

-Communicating classroom expectations, homework policies and procedures to students and parents at the beginning of the school year.

-Giving clear homework instructions.

-Notifying parents in the Student Planner if a student fails to complete assignments that would result in the student receiving a lowered grade.

-Monitoring and evaluating homework.

Student responsibilities-Students are responsible for:

-Listening first and writing down any assignments and instructions, including due dates.

-Asking questions when there is anything they do not understand.

-Taking home instructions and necessary materials.

-Scheduling a time to complete homework.

-Completing homework as independently as possible.

-Communicating any difficulties they had with the assignment to the teacher the next day.

-Returning the assignments and materials or on before the date due.

Parent responsibilities-  Parents are responsible for:

-Scheduling a time for homework and providing an environment that is well-lit and free from distractions.

-When providing assistance, allowing the student to complete the work on his/her own.

-Communicating with their child's teacher throught the Student Planner, during teacher office hours, or during requested phone conferences, when there are specific academic difficulties arising during completion of the homework.

-Supporting the high standards of the Academy.

Homework policy for absent days-

Parents are welcome to call to arrange for homework if their child has been absent.  It is the responsibility of the student to pick up all missing assignments from their teacher upon returning to school.  It is also the responsibility of the student to inform the teacher about his/her absence, request any information about adjusted due dates for finishing the homework, and/or request information about adjusted term for testing on material he/she missed.  If the student does not request information on about these adjustments on the first day he/she returns to class, it is assumed that no adjustments are desired.  Students are encouraged to ask for tutoring if there are any difficulties in understanding the material.  Upon returning to school, the student will be encouraged to copy class notes from a classmate.  The teacher will provide an appropriate amount of time for the student to catch up on missed material.  If necessary, the tacher may make arrangements for special tutoring time to address any questions or concerns.

In case of absence due to suspension or other disciplinary action, the homework policy for absences may be modified as a part of the disciplinary process.  This will be clearly explained when the student is informed about the disciplinary consequences involved in the specific situation.


In order to comply with state law regarding health and safety regulations, TALA's policy regarding the administration of medications to students druing school hours is as follows:


Note:  We are not authorized to call parents for consent to take over-the-counter medicine (e.g. aspirin, Tylenol, Tums, cough drops, etc.).  The above procedure must be followed.

We are required to send home any child who has been vomiting, has a fever, diarrhea or other serious illness or injury.  In the event of these types of illnesses, parents must make arrangements to pick up their child immediately.

If your child comes to the office reporting illness, the Academy will take the child's temperature and will notify the parent or emergency contact person.

Medical emergencies:  In the event of a medical emergency, the following procedures will be followed:

-First aid procedures will be started immediately by a qualified adult.

-If further aid is required, the Director/Principal or designee will call 911.

-After steps have been taken to resolve the immediate medical emergency, the parent, legal guardian or family member will be notified by the Director/Principal.

-An Academy representative may accompany the student to the hospital to offer assistance or comfort to the student.

-If any injury is non-accidental or self-inflicted or caused by an assault or a fight involving serious injury, the police will be notified and an official report written.

-If 911 dispatches an ambulance and the parent does not want the child transported by ambulance, the parent must cancel the ambulance by calling 911.  Academy personnel may not cancel an ambulance request.



Since organization is a life skill, students are provided initially with sufficient supplies:  a notebook with paper, pencils, and eraser.  They are also required to follow teachers' instructions how to organize class notes and handouts, and which notes and handouts need need to be brought to school on an every day basis.  If the student loses the handouts, parents or legal guardians will be charged 15 cents per page for additional copies.  If the student continues to come to school insufficiently equipped with school supplies and/or without notes and handouts, the parents or legal guardians will receive written notification of the problem.  If the deficiency becomes habitual, the parent or legal guardian will be called to come to school to provide or replace missing supplies, or to pick up the student for the rest of the day.

Textbooks-  Textbooks or other materials, as required, are provided by the Academy for classroom use.  If you wish your child to have any book for home use, a refundable deposit is required.  The deposit will be refunded at the end of the school year, after all books have been returned in good condition.  The deposit is .

Care of property-  Students will be responsible for the cost of replacing any Academy material or property that is lost or damaged through vandalism or negligence.


Academic discipline is necessary for the realization of the academic goals of TALA.  The Academy has simple, clear-cut rules that will be stricly enforced without discrimination on the basis of sex, religious beliefs, ethnic background, nationality or disability.

The Tucson Academy of Leadership & Arts (TALA) operates under the three key principles:




All students of the Academy will show respect for themselves, other students, staff and property.  Each student at the Academy will be held individually responsible for his or her own actions.  It is the duty of all Academy students to inform the school office, a teacher, or staff member about any possible safety or other health threat they notice.  Withholding this information is a violation of the Academy's discipline policy.

General procedures-The following rules are applicable every school day for all Academy students, not only when they are within 100 feet of the school premises, but also during their travel to and from the Academy.  "School Premises" are defined as the school building, the space around the school surrounded by the fence and the parking and sidewalk area on Broadway, Fifth Avenue, and Herbert Street.  The disciplinary policies are also enforced anywhere there are school-organized events or field trips.


1.  Obey all federal, state, and local laws.

2.  No possession of any kind of weapon is allowed.

3.  No possession or use of tobacco products, drugs, alcohol, or other dangerous substances is allowed.

4.  Do not engage in any physical aggression against persons or property.

5.  Do not engage in any verbal abuse of any persons or use profanity.

6.  Comply with all written rules and procedures as posted throughout the school (inside and outside).

7.  Follow the directions of all staff and faculty members, as well as visiting or substitute teachers. 

8.  Arrive at school or at any required school activity on time and equipped with sufficient schoolwork tools.

9.  Attend all scheduled classes and any required school activities.

10.  Students who believe that another school community member's actions and/or words constitute a violation of the disciplinary policy, need to take the responsibility of reporting the situation immediately to the school office.

The Tucson Academy of Leadership & Arts reserves the right to hold students accountable for behavior that did not occur on school premises, or during school organized events.  In such cases, a hearing will be scheduled, at the discretion of the Academy, to determine if the student will be allowed to continue at the Academy (in the event of suspension or expulsion), or if the Academy will honor the discipline imposed while the student attended another school district, private school, or charter school.


To provide students with every opportunity for mastering a subject area, the school environment must be conducive to learning.  Teachers will therefore set standards for student behavior within their classrooms, as well as consequences for misbehavior.  Classroom policies will be communicated to students and parents during the first week of school.  In all classrooms, students must adhere to the following rules:

1.  No eating or chewing anything except when the teacher deems it appropriate.

2.  No passing notes.

3.  No electronic devices (including cell phones, pagers, games, radios, CD players).  All electronic devices must be turned into the school office upon arrival at the school.


The Dress Code of the Academy is designed to promote respect and provide an atmosphere that is the least disruptive to the learning environment.  It is the responsibility of the student(s) and parent(s) to follow the dress code, and the responsibility of the teachers and staff to judge whether each student's attire complies with the Academy's requirement of the specific dress code.  Students who choose not to follow the dress code will be asked to call home for appropriate clothing, or be sent home after parent has been notified.  The Dress Code is included in the Enrollment Packet at the time of registration.  This policy states:





Shirt/Burgundy or Light Blue Polo Shirt

There are several shades of burgundy or cranberry, but it is not red.  There are also several shades of light blue that are permissible.  A polo shirt is a knit shirt with a collar and sleeves.  T-shirts or V-neck shirts are not permitted.  All shirts must have buttons, and the length must be between the waist and seat of the pants.


Pants-Shorts-Skirts/Tan or Navy Blue

All shorts and skirts must be at least one inch below the fingertips.  No other lengths are acceptable at this school.  Pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn at the waistline and fit correctly.  No baggy or cargo pants are allowed.


Sweaters and Jackets

During cold or inclement weather, students may wear a plain sweater, sweatshirt or jacket.  Students are not permitted to wear sweaters, sweatshirts, or jackets with lettering, logos, pictures, or hoods. 


Jewelry and Accessories

Acceptable jewelry and accessories are limited to small stud earrings, one small necklace, and one watch.  Piercing is limited to one small pair of stud earrings.  Bracelets, rings, large necklaces, large watches, bandannas of any color, hats, scarves, chains, or any item that is considered disruptive or a safety hazard are not permitted on campus.



Students need to wear footwear that will allow them to safely participate in P.E.

The Tucson Academy reserves the right to confiscate any items that are considered a distraction to the learning process.  Parents and students are advised that all valuables must be left at home.  This includes, but is not limited to, large amounts of cash, CD players, cell phones, pagers, games, toys, and jewelry.  No backpacks, purses, or bags are allowed on campus.  Students are given a notebook that has a zippered pocket in which they may store items needed for the school day.


Sexual harassment or sexually offensive conduct in or on Academy premises is prohibited.  Such conduct includes but is not limited to:

-Sexual flirtation, touching, advances, or propositions.

-Verbal abuse of a sexual nature.

-Derogatory or suggestive comments about one's own or another person's sexual orientation.

-The display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.

Intimidating verbal or physical conduct by any student that disrupts or interferes with another student's school performance, or conduct which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment, is considered harassment and will not be tolerated.

Reports of harassment should be made immediately to a teacher or any staff member, at which time an investigation will be conducted.  Any student found to have participated in harassment will be subject to action in accordance with the Academy's school disciplinary policies.  Retaliation for report harassment is illegal and any such activity will be sugject to disciplinary action by the proper authorities.


A disciplinaryviolation is any violation of the general rules, classroom rules, dress code or sexual harassment rules which requires teacher or staff intervention, or any other act which disrupts the educational process, threatens the safety of others or interferes with their rights and well-being.

Every disciplinary violation will have disciplinary consequences.

Consequences of disciplinary violations may include, but are not limited to, the following actions:


-Additional homework or school assignments:  The failure to turn in additional homework on time is a violation of the general rules (disobedience of all staff and faculty members, visiting or substitute members) and will result in relevant disciplinary actions.

-Community service activities:  Supervised activities related to the upkeep and maintenance of school facilities may be assigned during the exclusion or detention period.  During this time the student will be required to do "scrubbing duty," cleaning walls, chairs, tables, etc.  The Principal will call the parent to explain what duties are assigned.

-Exclusion from class:  Students may be excluded from class due to a classroom rule violation.  In this case, the students spends an assigned period of time in the Principal's office or in a special area under the supervision of authorized school personnel.  The student will be expected to make up missed class work after school.

Detention:  Students may be assigned to complete 15 to 45 minutes of restriction after regular school classes, in a special area under the supervision of authorized school personnel.  Detentions will be served with a 24-hour notice to the parent.  The school office will make an effort to inform the parent or legal guardians promptly about any delay in the students' pick-up time.


-Short-term suspension:  Lasts up to ten school days.  The student is not permitted on the Academy premises or at any school activities.  Suspension does not excuse the student from the academic work required during the term of suspension.  A modified absence-homework policy will be adopted.

-Long-term suspension:  Lasts more than ten school days.  The student is not permitted on the Academy premises or at any school activities.  Suspension does not excuse the student from academic work required during the term of suspension.  A modified absence-homework policy will be adopted by the Director/Principal.

-Expulsion:  Indicates that the student is permanently withdrawn from the Tucson Academy of Leadership & Arts by the Academy staff.  Expelled students are not allowed to come to any part of the school grounds or attend any school activities.


When a student commits a disciplinary violation, an authorized person (an Academy staff member) shall instruct the student to report to the appropriate authority within the Acxademy for consultation and a decision about disciplinary consequences.  The authorized person will complete a Referral Form for any event requiring disciplinary action, and shall inform the student how how he or she is violating school policy.  Students have the right to explain their understanding of the incident and may, after being informed about the consequences for the violation, ask for an opportunity to contact their legal guardians.  All Referral Forms that result in disciplinary consequences are kept in the student's discipline file.  Parents may review or request copies of the discipline violation report for a fee of 15 cents per page.

Parents have an opportunity to request reconsideration of any disciplinary decision made by the Academy staff.  However, until a meeting is scheduled, the decisions made by the person filing the Discipline Violation Report will remain in effect.  The parent or legal guardian shoudl call the Director/Principal at (520) 882-9144 to request a meeting.

Due process for disable students:  A disabled student is one who has been classified as "disabled" pursuant to the procedures in the Individual with Diabilities Education Act.  Discipline violations specific to students with disabilites are contained in the Academy's Special Education Policies and Procedure Manual.  Parents of students with disabilities may request a copy of the manual.


-Exclusion, detention, additional homework, and school service activities are imposed by office staff, teachers, school personnel or the Academy Director/Principal.  The student's parents or legal guardians shall be notified about disciplinary actions that do not require suspension, and informed that another similar offense will result in a suspension.

-Short-term suspension is imposed by the Academy Director/Principal.  The student's parents or legal guardians shall be informed immediately by phone or personal contact about the Academy's decision to suspend the student.  Parents are required to remove their child from the school premises immediately upon the request of Academy personnel.

-Long-term suspension is imposed by the Academy Director/Principal.  Prior to making decisions about long-term suspension, a legal guardian, the person authorized to supervise discipline and/or the Academy Director/Principal shall hold a conference in person or by telephone.  The conference will be held within the first ten days of the suspension.  Until the conference is held, the student is considered on short-term suspension.  Parents or legal guardians are required to remove their child immediately from the school premises upon request.

-Expulsion is recommended by the Academy Director/Principal and imposed by the School Board.  After expulsion is recommended and prior to a final decision regardig expulsion, the student is suspended until the next School Board meeting.  All procedures for long-term suspension are applicable at this time.  Parents or legal guardians shall receive a writeen notice of the recommendation and shall be invited to the School Board meeting deciding the expulsion case.

Annual Notification to Parents Regarding Confidentiality of Student Education Records


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."


        -Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school within 45 days of a request made to the school administrator. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records without copies. Schools may charge a fee for copies.


        -Parents or eligible students have the right to request in writing that a school correct records that they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.


        -Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions:


-School officials with legitimate educational interest

        -A school official is a person employed or contracted by the school to serve as an administrator, supervisor, teacher, or support staff member (including health staff, law enforcement personnel, attorney, auditor, or other similar roles); a person serving on the school board; or a parent or student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks;

        -A legitimate educational interest means the review of records is necessary to fulfill a professional responsibility for the school;

- Other schools to which a student is seeking to enroll;

- Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;

- Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;

- Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;

- Accrediting organizations;

- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;

- Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and


- State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.


Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, sports participation (including height and weight of athletes) and dates of attendance unless notified by the parents or eligible student that the school is not to disclose the information without consent.


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that protects the rights of students with disabilities. In addition to standard school records, for children with disabilities education records could include evaluation and testing materials, medical and health information, Individualized Education Programs and related notices and consents, progress reports, materials related to disciplinary actions, and mediation agreements. Such information is gathered from a number of sources, including the student's parents and staff of the school of attendance. Also, with parental permission, information may be gathered from additional pertinent sources, such as doctors and other health care providers. This information is collected to assure the child is identified, evaluated, and provided a Free Appropriate Public Education in accordance with state and federal special education laws.

Each agency participating under Part B of IDEA must assure that at all stages of gathering, storing, retaining and disclosing education records to third parties that it complies with the federal confidentiality laws. In addition, the destruction of any education records of a child with a disability must be in accordance with IDEA regulatory requirements.


For additional information or to file a complaint, you may call the federal government at (202) 260-3887 (voice) or 1-800-877-8339 (TDD) OR the Arizona Department of Education (ADE/ESS) at (602) 542-4013. Or you may contact:

Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-5901

Arizona Department of Education

Exceptional Student Services

1535 W. Jefferson, BIN 24

Phoenix, AZ 85007


This notice is available in English and Spanish on the ADE website at under forms. For assistance in obtaining this notice in other languages, contact the ADE/ESS at the above phone/address.







Policy assures that:



A.                  All children who attend Tucson Academy of Leadership & Arts with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services shall be identified and evaluated (34 CFR s300.125).


B.                   A practical method shall be developed and implemented to determine which children are currently receiving needed special education and related services (34 CFR s300 125).


C.                   This policy applies to highly mobile children with disabilities and children that are suspected of being a child with a disability under s300.7 and in need of special education, even though they are advancing from grade to grade. (34 CFR s300.125)



Procedures include, but are not limited to:


1.              Screening activities will be implemented for all newly enrolled students and   those transferring in without sufficient records.


2.             The screening will be completed within 45 days of enrollment.


3.             The screening will include consideration of academic or cognitive, vision, hearing, communication, emotional and psychomotor domains [AAC R7-2-401©]


4.             The Tucson Academy of Leadership & Arts will maintain documentation and annually report the number of children with disabilities within each disability category that have been identified, located and evaluated. (34 CFR s300.125).


5.             The Tucson Academy of Leadership & Arts will refer children suspected of having a disability aged birth through two years to the Arizona Early Interventions Program for evaluation and, if appropriate, services.

